The most vital and difficult aspect of content marketing is standing out in this society of fierce competition. When you run a small business or a start-up company, it is even more important.

We have a solution for you with that, so don’t worry. Through strong thought leadership and consistent, high-quality content marketing, your company can easily stand out.

According to the Hubspot State of Marketing, for 54% of marketers, expanding website traffic is the top priority in marketing. 

Let’s examine this issue closely to determine: 

  • What is content marketing, 
  • How to create and craft it well, and
  • What are the best practices to help you catch traffic and grow your business through content marketing?

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing approach that highlights the production and spreading of high-quality content. In other words, it could be defined as an amazing way to advertise and market your product/services on online platforms no matter if the business is online or offline. 

People want entertainment and knowledge at the same time, so be it! Provide your audience with interesting, entertaining, and knowledgeable content that builds and increases your connection with them. 

According to CoSchedule, content marketing has a simple formula: 

  1. Create helpful content that enriches the lives of your readers.
  2. Spread that content through chosen channels
  3. Share that content through social channels and encourage others to do the same.
  4. Know and grow your audience to deepen their trust in your brand.

How to Boost Business with Content Marketing

  1. Track your targeted audience and wisely choose content channels.

First things first, you’re not aiming to connect with everybody and anybody. There is a specific and special type of bunch of people who are loyally interested in your work and content, so don’t rush in pleasing each and everybody. Know your audience and grow efficiently with them. 

After exploring your audience and interacting consistently with them, wisely figure out and choose where your audience is most active. Choosing a specific platform for your content is just as important as finding your targeted audience. 

Are they enjoying your content on social media posts or are they searching for your blogs on your website? Post your content accordingly.

  1. Create a content schedule.

You’ve explored your audience; you’ve figured out where to find them and flood them with content. Now, start with it! Distribute your content to your readers and provide them with what they’ve been searching for. But, do it smartly, make a plan, make a calendar, schedule your work, and then start flooding it in. 

Acknowledge when is the best time to publish your content. When will your readers most likely engage with it? What time do they prefer prioritizing you? How consistent is your work? 

Coming from this, we all know consistency is the key to success. Consistent and timely work will never go to waste. You will either start bringing traffic to your website or your SEO will keep on expanding.

  1. Establish SMART Goals.
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Relevant
T: Time-based

Setting goals is a strong-based content marketing strategy. Small businesses should set specific goals and aim to achieve them for future success. You can use the principle of SMART goals to make your business achieve long-term success. Make your goals Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

For more knowledge and information, check out our blog: 5 content marketing goals you must track. 

You can even contact us to set up your personalized goals at Content Fayah!

  1. Track the results 

After frequent posting of content, you will notice how you’ve started gaining pageviews, hourly views, monthly views, likes, comments, and engagement in a specific period. Over a while, you will also notice more conversational rates, return on investment, and more engagement. 

You can also track your website traffic through Google Analytics, Databox, and Excel.

  1. Repeat the process

Consistency of efficient content is a key way to bring the clients and audience to your doorstep. The more you repeat your activity, the more positive results will be noticed.

After some time, the consistency of your work will turn your small business into a large one!

To know more about consistency and its benefits, check out our blog: 10 benefits of consistent high-quality content marketing.

Methods and Tips for Content Marketing.

1. Blog Posts

A very simple, short, and easy way to bring people to your website is by publishing blog posts. According to TechClient, having a blog on your website increases your chances of ranking higher in search by a massive 434%.

In addition to that, it also increases:

  1. Your SEO ranking
  2. Your Exposure
  3. Leads and conversation
  4. Value to your customers.

2. Email Newsletter

According to ConstantContact, more than 90% of businesses consider email marketing as an important overall business success. 

An email newsletter is an outstanding way to make your way into email marketing. It informs your audience about the new products/services you will provide, new upcoming events, and any other business happenings. 

3. Create a content calendar.

Organizing has always been a key way to manage and customize your work properly. Creating a content calendar gives you an outlook on your monthly work. It shows you where efficiency is lacking and what spot needs flawlessness. 

Make a monthly content calendar of your blog posts, social media posts, LinkedIn posts, or any platform that you use to showcase your work. 

This way, you are not only organized but your work will be consistent and efficient too. You will realize what content to be posted at which time and on which networking platform.

4. Create a presence on all social media platforms.

Being a small business owner, we are aware that most of our customers and clients find out about us through our social presence. Just being involved in social media platforms with other competitors may not be enough, you have to be completely active too. 

Showcase your work and services to as many social media platforms as you can but just like we discussed earlier, you’re not talking to everybody and anybody, a specific group of people are the only ones who will understand you, so make sure you’re talking directly to them.

5. Redesign and Create different content every time.

Creating different content every time means creating a new variety of past content. If explained in simple words, we repeat an outfit a lot of times, but with a different look each time. Creating different content is just like that. You don’t have to think about new content and stuff to post, you can change the type of their look every time.

Redesign a past post in a completely different form. It could be a blog post changed into a social media post, an article into a podcast, your infographic into a whitepaper, and many such ways. 

Be creative while producing or replicating stuff like these, and do it in such a smart way that no one figures out that the content has been posted in the past or on a different channel. Work smart, not hard!

To sum up

When every 9 out of 10 businesses is including content marketing and taking advantage of it, why not jump on this trend and produce an organization that increases your sales and reach?

Content marketing decreases your effort and makes it easy to increase SEO and ROI, consistent high-quality is all that matters.

Try using the Content Fayah Platform to arrange your efforts and make them more data-driven. You can boost your online visibility, draw in fresh customers, and also use content to expand your business.